

LT cascade stage for deep-freeze warehouses or freezers, industrial applications


*carbo-Freeze can be combined very well with existing cold-water systems.

*carbo-Freeze works with two to four compressors on a solid frame construction.

*carbo-Freeze has a directly integrated cascade exchanger. The resulting condensation heat may be cooled down by brine or refrigerant.

*carbo-Freeze has very good coefficients of performance due to its subcritical operating mode.

Technical data

5 kW to 416 kW at to/tc= -30/-5°C


Frequency converter

Weather-/soundproof housing


MT stage unit

Standstill cooling for receiver

Subcritical operation mode

Functionality corresponds to the common simple refrigeration circuit – low complexity, as no complex control circuits are neces­sary. Maximum operating pressures of 45 bar partly allow the use of conventional components and piping.



Dirk Leuteritz

Dirk Leuteritz

Head of Sales

Sebastian Zürich

Sebastian Zürich

Head of Project Planning


Sebastian Reupricht

Sales & Aftersales


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